Competitive Programming


Eat. Sleep. Code. Repeat.

Competitive programming is a mind sport usually held over the Internet or a local network, involving participants trying to program according to provided specifications. Contestants are referred to as sport programmers. Competitive programming is recognized and supported by several multinational software and Internet companies, such as Google and Facebook. There are several organizations who host programming competitions on a regular basis.

A programming competition generally involves the host presenting a set of logical or mathematical problems to the contestants (who can vary in number from tens to several thousands), and contestants are required to write computer programs capable of solving each problem. Judging is based mostly upon number of problems solved and time spent for writing successful solutions, but may also include other factors (quality of output produced, execution time, program size, etc.


Cups of Coffee


Problems Solved


Working Days


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Sambhav Jain


Ever experienced a roller coaster ride??Well competitive coding will be just similar to that.Strange and contrast emotions every day.

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Anshul Garg

Senior Member

Think -> Type -> Debug -> Submit -> Repeat

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Ishan Sharma

Senior Member

One day today becomes 'that day' , but tomorrow remains 'tomorrow'.There is nothing like ‘slightly wrong’ and ‘nearly correct’ in competitive coding.

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Nipun Topno

Senior Member

One day today becomes 'that day' , but tomorrow remains 'tomorrow'.There is nothing like ‘slightly wrong’ and ‘nearly correct’ in competitive coding.

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Nishan Singh

Senior Member

Failure is not a defeat, Until you stop trying.

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Karanjeet Talwar

Senior Member

One day today becomes 'that day' , but tomorrow remains 'tomorrow'.There is nothing like ‘slightly wrong’ and ‘nearly correct’ in competitive coding.

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Yogesh Kumar

Senior Member

It's gonna take some time so just enjoy the journey while you're at it.

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Tejas Taneja


Don’t write better error messages, write code that doesn’t need them.

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Abhinav Arora


Left Shift(<<) the PAIN ;)

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Preetish Patel


It’s harder to read code than to write it.

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Aditya Agrawal


Programming isn't about what you know, it's about what you can figure out.

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Akshay Upadhyay


Try to improve the algorithm rather than improving computational power.

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Prabhav Agrawal


Programming is not an occupation, it's a way of life

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Ankit Kumar


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